
How do I get started with I-Boss Management?

I-Boss Management has been designed to get up and running very easily, please see our Installing I-Boss Management guide for more information.

Can I test I-Boss Management?

Of course. We provide a fully usable downloadable version of I-Boss Management . you can test it .

What virtualisation technology do you use?

I-Boss Management supports .NET ,SQL Server.

Will all my applications run unmodified?

Yes! So far, we have not come across any application that would not run on top on I-Boss Management.

Can it support a hybrid environment (a mix of cloud and physical servers)?

Yes, we have built specific functionality into our networking to make it easy to integrate cloud and physical servers; you can even have them running on the same layer 2 VLAN if required using Interworking VLANs. I-Boss Management can also be integrated into external networks to provide direct Layer 2 access from remote sites, so the possibilities are endless.

Infrastructure / Security / Resilience

What happens if I-Boss Management detects a hardware node failing? Will it automatically re-start my virtual machine?

I-Boss Management automatically detects soft and hard failures of nodes and can restart the virtual machine automatically on a new machine, if required. It does this without any human interaction needed and usually within one minute of detecting the failure.

How quickly can it recover from a hardware failure?

Should a physical I-Boss Management server fail, I-Boss Management will automatically restart the virtual machine within minutes, moving it to one of the other physical servers within your platform.

How secure is I-Boss Management?

I-Boss Management is extremely secure. Internally, we use multiple segregated networks with firewalls for data security; powerful encryption for the storage of data and advanced password and user management to ensure customers only gain access to the resources they are allowed to. From a customer perspective, customers can secure their network using VLANS to secure their network traffic, encryption to secure their stored data, and Dynamic Workload Placement to ensure they are the only customer running on specific physical servers if required. In all areas I-Boss Management has security covered. For more information about Dynamic Workload Placement, see How the Dynamic Workload Placement System Works.

What happens to my data when a server terminates or stops?

I-Boss Management’s storage model is persistent. The physical servers do not store any customer data on their local disks and everything comes from a centralised storage back-end (except where local storage is configured). When a server stops or even aborts, all the data is safely retained

What Operating Systems does I-Boss Management Support?

I-Boss Management supports a wide range of Operating Systems, although overall, they are dependent on the hypervisor in use; options include:

  • Windows Server 2008
  • CentOS Linux 5.4
  • Debian Linux 5.0
  • Ubuntu Linux 9.10, 10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 LTS, and 12.10.
  • Mac
Do I have to change the OS to make it run in I-Boss Management?

There are no OS changes required to the core OS. For optimum network performance and available cloud management functions, depending on the hypervisor and operating system some virtualization drivers may be required, which we supply.

What applications will I-Boss Management support?

Any applications that run on the above operating systems. If you have concerns about the suitability of I-Boss Management for a very specific type of application, please feel free to talk to our support or sales team on 98849 27101.

Performance / server specification

What performance can I expect from my server?

Virtualization typically takes a few percent of overhead for its own resources, but apart from that performance should be relatively the same as with a dedicated server.

How does it compare to physical hardware?

Once an I-Boss Management virtual machine is fully booted up, only somebody with a deep understanding of the underlying hardware will be able to tell that this server is actually running virtualized.

How quickly does a server boot up?

Depending on the Operating System installation and Hypervisor, a typical boot up time is around 10-50 seconds from asking for the server to start.

What kind of hardware do you need to use to run compute nodes?

I-Boss Management can run on almost any modern server.

Can I have multiple CPUs?

Yes you can. These virtual CPUs will be presented to the host OS as physical CPU cores.

How much memory can I have per virtual machine?

I-Boss Management places 3GB memory a virtual machine can use

IP Networking

Does I-Boss Management provide fully static IP addresses?

Yes. All addresses used in I-Boss Management are static.

What Networking modes does I-Boss Management Support?

I-Boss Management supports the following network modes:

  • Public VLANs
  • Private VLANs
  • Interworking VLANs
  • Public Virtual IP Mode
Can I use multiple IPs on one server?


Can I have multiple NICs on one server?

Yes, and they can span different networks if required.


Can I mount the same disks on multiple servers simultaneously?

This is not possible with the standard virtual disks we provision with each virtual machine. The reasons for this are not related to I-Boss Management but rather with file system data integrity if more than one server can write to the same disk.