What is i Boss?

iBoss is an international company management software to drive an organization with great speed and accuracy without the physical presence of the president/managing directorof the company and iboss helps to reduce the work load to almost an hour a day.


Performance measures

iBoss includes automated process performance measures and incentive plans.


Auto-calculation of Attendance, Salary, Advance Salary loans and leave

SMS Reminder

iBoss includes SMS Reminder features

Smart Gadgets

iBoss includes Apps feature and can be operated from any smart Gadgets.

Task Management

Task Management is another feature of I-Boss Software

Special Task

Special Task an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a deadline

There are three type of task are available in I-Boss Software

  • Schedule Task

    Periodic works which re-occur on specific intervals are called schedule tasks. We can set a schedule task in advance for any upcoming events with intervals of days/ weeks/Months or years.

  • Special Task

    This is not the re-occurring task like a scheduled task. When a special task is issued, the staff is informed about the task and its details via SMS.

  • Incentive With Special Task

    A special task can be issued with an incentive of a certain amount set by the administrator. When a task extension is issued, a certain incentive amount is deducted on daily basis.

    • Biometric System
    • Work Flow management

    • Time Management
    • Roles and Responsibility of all employees
    • Roles and Responsibility of all employees
    • Organizational Policy


    • Highly efficient in achieving the company’s quality policy, which is an outstanding feature of i-Boss.
    • I-Boss Is a cloud Based Software so Company data is secure.
    • Reduces ample of time for management as i-Boss automates and simplifies managing work flow of company from anywhere in the world.
    • I-boss Software will help the Company to find out the good performer so the work productivity is more.
    • Reduces webmail's cost / call costs, no need to maintain unwanted webmails and calls for company’s easy workflow.
    • Biometric system will help the Company to improve the punctuality of the employees
    • Work accuracy is more because all task are verify by three level of inspector.
    • SMS Reminder is available in I-Boss System. Employee punch their task through Mobile Phone.